Solomon's Gold
Solomon's Gold
The newspaper headline read
Corruption continues to run deep
Down in the goldmines
Of the Congo
And I wonder
What was the crack
Way back
Deep down
In Solomon's mines
Do you remember
What was the weight
That year
Of all of Solomon's gold
That's a story that's already been told
Quite cryptically
And only for those
Who have the eyes to hear
And the ears to see
I wrote my own headline
It said
My blood is red
And between clouds during daylight hours
My skies are blue
Before he was busted
Jesus Christ already knew
That he would be betrayed
By God's banker
And I wonder
What was the crack
Way back
Deep down
In Solomon's mines
Do you remember
What was the weight
That year
Of all of Solomon's gold
That's a story that's already been told
Quite cryptically
And only for those
Who have the eyes to hear
And the ears to see
The prisoner and the priest discussed
Just what it means to be free
One said
"It's all about being and seeing"
While the other said
"No, it's all a,b,c"
And it wasn't until they'd come to blows
And their blood
Had already stained the map
That they could agree
That power must be restrained somehow
Otherwise it becomes a trap
And I wonder
What was the crack
Way back
Deep down In Solomon's mines
Do you remember
What was the weight
That year
Of all of Solomon's gold
That's a story that's already been told
Quite cryptically
And only for those
Who have the eyes to hear
And the ears to see